Digital Marketer

By Supun Dissanayake25 February 2020in Digital Marketing | Project Management

My Journey into Digital Marketing and IT Project Management

Maybe it was my school, Thurstan College Colombo, or it could have been my college, my calling towards digital marketing and project management has been quite evident. Some say that you need ample experience to kick start a business. But I strongly believe that passion and the right skillset is sufficient to make your dreams come true. This has always been my goals in life, to give life to dreams and to engage in something you are always passionate about. And, for me it is entrepreneurship.

Me as a Digital Marketer

In this modern age, the impact of digital marketing can be witnessed on all edges of the internet. Whether you are browsing through the pages of web giants like Amazon and Reddit or hosting a product-specific campaign or digging into obscure sites – the impact of digital marketers in Sri Lanka is found everywhere. When I had to choose a career path for myself, the role of a digital marketer left me mesmerized. It has so much more than what is told on paper or seen around! An average man who is coined as a digital marketer doesn’t only focus on placing Google Ads. Instead, he does so much more! And, in my cases I juggle around a dozen questions, pick from a vast variety of priorities, and of course drink a coffee to keep myself going between all these departments! When I realized that there is so much to manage, in the world of digital marketing – I had to upscale. I had to find a trendy skill that would help me with the coordination. And, that is when I thought of IT Project Management.

Me as an IT Project Manager

Project management is a powerful tool. Anyone, who is experienced in digital marketing wouldn’t think otherwise. It suits every agency, marketer and company. Without proper project management skills, one can be easily sidetracked. As a result, you wouldn’t be able to accomplish tasks and achieve goals. Ouch, doesn’t this sound bad? My experience in IT Project Management at QualitApps and Antyra Solution as well as my professional qualifications helped me understand how IT Project Managers always lead the way for developments. In Information technology, anything will become feasible if your IT Project Manager is capable. This is my primary goal in life. Consequently, I took up my bachelor degree to help me realize my goal.

Where did I start?

Of course, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration if I tell you that my journey into entrepreneurship didn’t begin at college, but from my school Thurstan College Colombo. At a young age, and when I was in my school, I was lucky enough to find my team and kick start brotherslk. This was my firsthand experience into entrepreneurship and information technology (IT). As beginners, we had to take care of everything ranging from website development to content management to digital marketing to handling finances. It was a great learning and a motivation to purse a degree in digital marketing. And, today this is what I am! A skilled digital marketer in Sri Lanka with top-notch project management experience.