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By Supun Dissanayake26 February 2020in Future Goals | Industry

My goals for the future: IT Project Management and Digital Marketing with UI/UX Design

Do you know that many executive teams make the biggest mistake of their lives by overlooking the role of an IT Project Manager? They often feel that project management can be avoided to reduce costs. And, in some cases the role of a IT project manager is never filled with the right candidates because of poor judgement on the project’s overall complexity. Either ways, the delivery of the product or service is going to get affected. Are you going through such a journey in your organization? Are you stuck with lets-just-go-finish-it kind of projects? If yes, what you need is someone who is skilled in project management, and who also knows the nuke and corners of digital marketing! This is where I expertise. And, this is where my passion lingers around.

My Experiences

My BSc (Hons) in Business Information Systems from the University of Westminster helped me understand the true power of a skilled project manager. My primary goal is to ensure that your projects are organized. And, this kind of organization is extremely important when you want to achieve complicated project goals within a stipulated period of time. I am currently looking for an IT Project Manager, and when anyone asks me about my take in this zone, here is what I have to say.

The moment a project is given to me, especially a troubled one, I focus on the turnaround effect. After all, any company would make profits only when the project gets started and then completed. How long does this take in your organization? Have you ever thought about it? If no, you need someone like me who can do it for you.

I am skilled in coordinating teams. May be, it was my experience in Digital Marketing that helped me initiate open conversations between teams. Anyone in information technology would know how difficult it is to keep teams talking. This coordination is essential when you want to handle key issues in the project and also achieve milestones. I come up with integrate project timelines that connect all teams! Also, I specialize in present communication plans. From simple issue reports to weekly status updates to a professional project schedule – these are skills I have acquired from the University of Westminster.

Where do my learnings come from?

So, from where did I gather so much knowledge? Well, I would attribute all of these to my previous work experiences. I was a full time Associate in digital marketing at Antyra Solutions. And, I have sound experience in UI/UX design and development. I have worked on projects like the QualitApps Blog and AIRef for QualitApps Asia. This was an internship, but my firsthand exposure to the world of information technology. Moreover, leadership, project management and marketing runs in my veins. This motivated me to take up the “Project Speak UP! Empower Youths Today!” at AIESEC (National University Malaysia).

As an aspiring IT Project Manager, a skilled digital marketer and a gifted UI/UX Designer, I strongly vouch for pre-planning, clarification of project architecture and thorough knowledge of roles (with expectations) for the success of a team. Without someone like me, and the kind of organization procedures I work on, teams can end up churning a lot of code thinking that they are moving in the right track and making sound progress.


All the roles that I share an experience in, scream “Accountability” in every angle. My vision to become a Project manager trainee is not a support role. My experiences in digital marketing, were never side tracked. Instead, I am focusing on pure leadership roles where I can deliver projects. Well, this is because I enjoy been a leader! I am trained to act as a single point of contact for overall accountability and team collaboration. After all, isn’t it the project manager’s role to initiate any kind of communication, and also to share accountability within the project?