Corona Outbreak Sri Lanka

By Supun Dissanayake22 March 2020in Other Blogs

Spreading of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Sri Lanka

An Overview

Coronavirus Disease alias COVID-19 is a new virus, which is spreading rapidly around the world. The virus is named after a strain that was founded in the year 2019. The infectious disease is turning into a pandemic that needs to be controlled at the earliest. Common signs and symptoms of the disease are similar to a conventional flu. The respiratory disease begins with cough, fever and in severe patients it turns into a breathing difficulty. On a worse note, the disease can result in kidney failure, severe acute respiratory syndrome and eventual death.

Studies reveal that the virus is transmitted from animals to human beings. However, there is no evidence to prove that this virus spreads from animals to humans.

How did it start?

It is claimed that COVID-19 started from Wuhan’s wet markets. This is an exquisite site for live and dead animals, ranging from birds to fishes. The market is known for its heightened risks for pathogens and viruses. Most of the time, these microorganisms jump from the sold animals to human beings. Also, Wuhan is densely packed with risky animals, which are prone to fatal viruses. As mentioned previously, the actual source of COVID-19 is yet to be concluded upon. But, many state that the virus originated from African Bats. Bats are known for carrying a huge number of zoonotic viruses. After all, they are a primary reason behind HIV, rabies and Ebola. Sources from Wuhan responded with details that bats are never sold in the market. However, there are chances of bats infecting animals like chickens, which in return are sold here.

As infected people from Wuhan continued to travel to the rest of the world, the virus started to spread rapidly.

How did Sri Lanka get Infected?

The first COVID-19 case reported from Sri Lanka was on the 27th of January 2020. The infected patient had traveled to the island from China. The patient was a 44-year old woman from the Province of Hubei in China. The patient was carefully identified, and admitted at the National Institute of Infection Diseases. Travelers who had accompanied the Chinese woman were also identified and screened at the airport. The infected woman had recovered to the fullest, and was sent home on the 19th of February. With this incident, commoners were advised to wear masks. Meanwhile, on the 1st of February nearly 33 families and students from Sri Lanka in the Wuhan were evacuated, kept in quarantine and released after two weeks.

Meanwhile, the first Sri Lankan to be tested positive was discovered on the 10th of March. And, it is believed that the infected tour guide had caught the virus from a group of travelers from Italy. With this, the presence of COVID-19 in Sri Lanka became prominent. Every day, multiple cases have being reported across the country.

How does the virus spread?

The way COVID-19 spreads, is quite similar to conventional flu and cold bugs. The virus spreads in the form of droplets, which are released when an infected person sneezes or coughs. As the droplet lands on surfaces, it can reach the hands of other people easily. This is one of the prominent ways by which the disease spreads. In simpler terms, anyone who touches their eyes, nose or mouth after getting in contact with the coronavirus will be infected.

Method of Prevention

First things first, it is important to maintain a healthy distance from infected people. WHO recommended uninfected individuals to stay at least two meters away from a person who has COVID-19. Likewise, it is important for everyone to wash their hands with “sanitizers” like Dettol. It is believed that Dettol has the right mix of chemicals to kill Coronavirus.

Likewise, people are strongly advised to avoid travel plans. This could be to any country like UK, Italy or even your neighboring town. Travel Ban is imposed in all countries, around the world. And, it is important to follow these rules. By avoiding contact with infected people, and staying away from destinations that have the virus – people can save themselves from COVID-19.

Quarantine Notes

With tens of thousands of infected cases around the world, it is important for healthy people to stay safe. This is why it is essential to quarantine. By definition, quarantine is the process of separating an infected person from the rest. People who are exposed to COVID-19 are bound to fall sick. And, the virus spreads at a rapid rate between people. When a person quarantines, they are less likely to be exposed to the virus. Likewise, when an infected person is quarantined, they will limit the virus’s ability to spread. On an average, the infected person needs to be quarantined for at least 14 days before recovering. However, the quarantine period needs to be extended if the virus remains contagious. This means, quarantine will be essential till the patient tests negative for COVID-19.

Social Media Awareness on COVID-19

Social media plays a vital role in spreading news about coronavirus. It is extremely useful in sharing news about how to self-quarantine and reduce your chances of catching the virus. In the past few days, social media networking websites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are loaded with details on how to quarantine effectively. This includes the following pointers:

1) Keep away from one another within the home as much as possible. Try to use separate bathrooms, and beds if available.

2) Reduce your contact with furry animals. This is because COVID-19 can infect pets too!

3) Try to eliminate the need for visitors to your home.

4) If you are going to be around others, you must wear a N95 mask. The mask should be worn if you have signs of cough and cold too.

5) All surfaces within the home should be wiped clean with sanitizers and Dettol.


On the whole, COVID-19 has spread to hundreds of countries, and it could infect millions of people. It is important to self-quarantine at the earliest, and reduce your risk of catching the infection. And, with death tolls increasing on a daily basis, people should be aware of what to do and what not to do – in order to stay safe.